Saturday, August 18, 2012

DIY Hanging Racks

So the other day my mom pulled the following article out of her cabinet and told me she no longer needed it:

Apparently it's a French bread pan.
My mind went through this whole thought process of, French bread?  I love French bread.  Making bread is hard.  I would never make French bread.  Wait, this has nifty holes in the middle....

And so my first hanging rack was born.  Since it came in this sort of dull dark grey color, I spray painted it silver.  Then, I added three decorative doorknobs from World Market ($1.99 a piece - not bad, and they're pretty).  It was nice because the knobs went right through the holes in the middle, so I didn't have to drill any.  We also used these same holes to drill it into the wall.

Finished product.
 My next hanging rack also features World Market knobs, but this time with hooks attached (same price - I'm a big fan).  I started with a board that I salvaged from an old bed my neighbors were throwing away.  After cutting it down to size, I sanded the rough edges.  Then, I used some of the leftover turquoise paint from my desk and splashed it on sort of roughly, so you could still see the bare wood around the sides.

This way my scarf collection can double as a decoration.
A closer view of the knobs
In the end, since I got the board and pan for free and the paint and screws were stuff I already had, the total cost for both of these was really just the cost of the knobs: about $10 for the bigger one and $6 for the smaller.  Not bad, if I do say so myself....

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