Saturday, September 1, 2012

Some Lessons Learned

This has been a crazy week!  Between classes and jobs, it's been hard to juggle everything, much less update my poor blog.  Here's a brief overview:

1) Last night we made parmesan chicken and pasta with marinara for our boyfriends and had a movie night.  It all turned out well, except for the oven, which insisted on filling the air with smoke, and the fire alarm, which insisted on going off.  With all our doors and windows open, we sat down to our first relaxing dinner of the week.  Lesson: don't overwork your oven.  It will rebel.
Fire alarm: "nice meal... now let me sing you the song of my people."
2) The day before yesterday, we decided to try tea tree oil to get sticky grease stains off one of our cookie sheets.  The grease didn't budge.  The tea tree oil, however, quickly took over our apartment.  We both woke up smelling it the next morning.  Lesson: if you *absolutely need your space to smell like something other than it already smells like*, put out a bit of tea tree oil.  And if you already like your apartment smell, then don't.
Tea tree oil: "HELLOOOOOO"
3) Back at the first of the week, we were struggling with a horrible mosquito infestation.  People would come to visit us and leave covered in bites.  Deciding that violence was our only recourse, we found a cheap bug bomb to set off (only $5!).  And set it off for two hours.  After letting the apartment air out for 30 minutes, it only still smelled mildly of permanent marker.  It was worth it, however, when we started finding dead mosquitos lying around, on the shelves, windowsills (they were trying to escape!  Mwahahaha....)  We were elated with our success.  Then, they appeared.  Massive mutant mosquitos that had somehow survived.  We gave up hope of a mosquito free apartment.  Lesson: mosquitos don't die.  They only regenerate.
How I felt walking away from that bug bomb.

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