Sunday, September 2, 2012


There comes a point where fangirling gets out of hand.  And somewhere rather past that point exists that breed of fans who plan their decor around their favorite fictional hero.

Those fangirls.
My roommate and I were overjoyed when we discovered that we were both Doctor Who fans.  She enthusiastically allowed me to hang my David Tennant poster in the living room, as well as my 11th-Doctor-themed prints.  It was however, too much for my fangirl heart to believe when we simultaneously agreed upon a TARDIS-themed front door.  I'd seen them all over Pinterest, pinned them in my board for future house/apartment dreams, but never really hoped to have one so soon.

Since we aren't allowed to paint anything in our apartment, our first idea was to cover the door with butcher paper and color it blue.  However, something better presented itself when I realized my mom had given me some old white contact paper to line our drawers.  Original purpose forgotten, we covered the door with two long strips.  Since it was already sticky, we were glad not to have to mess with glue.

For the next step, we bought some blue acrylic paint from Walmart.  We ended up using about two containers, applying multiple coats with foam brushes.  The contact paper was slippery, so it took awhile to get the paint to actually look solid.  (When a little bit of paint spilled on our carpet, it came up nicely with nail polish remover - just something to keep in mind.)

Once the paint was dry, my roommate took a navy marker and outlined the rectangular indentions in the door to make it look less flat.  We found the "Police Telephone Free for Use of Public" sign here on DeviantArt, printed it out, and stuck it on with hot glue.  For the windows, we used 12"/12" squares of white cardstock and drew panes on them with a navy marker and ruler.  For the top black Police Box sign, we spray painted a strip of cardboard black, then printed off these letters to the scale we needed them, cutting out around each word and spacing them out.

Feel free to save and print.
Hot glue served us pretty well for most of this, but as it's fallen down, we've also had to resort to some super glue, especially with the heavier cardboard.  The top part was also a piece of cardboard that my roommate free-handed and we painted blue.
Now we're off for an adventure with The Doctor....

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